By-Laws of the Hastings Centre Rockhounds

Last Revised: February 2016


  1. Subject as hereinafter set forth, membership in this club shall be open as follows:
    1. Adult membership to any person of the full age of eighteen (18) years of age or older.
    2. Junior membership to persons under the age of eighteen (18) years provided such persons are sponsored by a parent, guardian or other adult club member in good standing.
  2. The club Executive Committee shall have the power to limit the size of club membership, with the approval of the club.
  3. A prospective member may apply for membership at the first meeting attended. A prospective member may also attend up to two General meetings as a guest before applying for membership.
  4. Application for membership or renewal shall be made in writing, setting out the full name and address of the applicant and such other information as shall be required from time to time and shall be signed by the applicant. Also to be signed by the applicant is the Record of Orientation Completion form dated and initialed by the executive. The membership fee shall accompany such application for the current club year in which application is made. Applications submitted in September through to December shall be half of the full year membership amount. All applicants must be members of the Hastings Community Centre and shall read and agree to the latest approved:
    1. Hastings Centre Rockhounds Constitution and Bylaws.
    2. Rockhound’s Code of Ethics.
    3. City of Vancouver Code of Conduct.
    4. Hastings Centre Rockhounds Respect Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedure.
    5. British Columbia Lapidary Society By-Laws.
    6. “Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised” shall be the authority for all members of Parliamentary Procedure not specifically covered herein.
    7. Any member using the workshop shall first read and agree to the latest approved Workshop Rules and Regulations and have taken any required classes before using the workshop.
    8. Respect in Our Club Orientation Pamphlet.
    9. Workshop Rules and Regulations.
  5. The membership year and the fiscal year of the club shall commence on January 1st and end on December 31st.
  6. Club membership fees shall be established for three categories. Adult, Junior and Family. Such fees may be amended from time to time upon recommendation of the Executive Committee to the club for their approval and as approved by the membership. A Family membership shall include up to two adults and any number of children up to age eighteen (18).
  7. Any member who fails to pay the membership fees, which entitle him/her to all privileges, on or before the 31st day of March of the current membership year shall forthwith become a delinquent member and shall be automatically stricken from the club membership roll.
  8. All members are required to comply with all club bylaws and amendments thereto, and to all regulations proclaimed from time to time governing the activities of the club.
  9. Harassment (verbal or physical) and discrimination are not tolerated in the club. Any member who has a complaint against another member that they cannot resolve themselves may bring the complaint, in writing, to any of the four Executive Officers. The Chosen Executive Officer will attempt to solve the complaint consensually only if the complaint is either a disagreement or misunderstanding, but if no resolution can be found then with the complainant’s permission, the Chosen Executive Officer will call for the formation of the Complaints Resolution Committee (see clause 27a) to begin the formal process to resolve the complaint. Any complaint received in writing regarding a disrespectful action, as stipulated in “Hastings Centre Rockhounds Respect Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedure”, will cause the Chosen Executive Officer to call for the formation of the Complaints Resolution Committee. All complaints brought to the any Executive Officer, by any member, will be recorded by that Officer and signed by each party, including any ensuing discussion and decision and kept in the Complaints and Resolutions Binder. This binder will be kept along with the Binders of Meeting Minutes. The documents used to define complaints and to use as a reference to resolve complaints are the “Hastings Centre Rockhounds Respect Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedure” and the “City of Vancouver’s Code of Conduct”.

General, Annual, and Special Meetings of Members

  1. Only members sixteen (16) years and older, in good standing shall have the right to vote and/or hold office. All club members shall receive all notices and publications issued by the club. All members shall be entitled, insofar as may be practicable, and subject to the provisions of these bylaws, to take part in activities of the club. DRAFT Minutes shall be distributed within 3 weeks of a General meeting and shall be posted in the workshop and made available at the next General meeting before being ratified by members.
  2. The Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held during the regularly scheduled November General meeting each year.
  3. The Executive Committee may call special meetings of the club whenever it thinks fit.
  4. A regular General meeting of the club shall be held at least once a month, except during the months of July, August and December.
  5. All General and Executive meetings of the club shall be convened by giving notice to all members.
  6. The quorum at a General meeting shall be not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total membership.
  7. The President or, or in his/her absence or at the request of the President, the Vice-President of the club shall preside as chairperson at every General meeting of the club. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the members present shall choose someone of their number to be chairperson.

Resolutions and Voting Procedures

  1. A resolution put to the vote of any General meeting of the club shall be decided on a show of hands; or by secret ballot if a poll is demanded by at least three (3) members present at the meeting.
  2. “Extraordinary Resolution” shall mean a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two thirds (2/3) of such membership entitled to vote as are present in person (see clause 49).
  3. In the event of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands, poll or a ballot, the chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote unless there is a conflict of interest, and then the chairperson shall abstain, in which case the Motion fails.
  4. Each member in good standing, sixteen (16) years and older of a Family membership and each adult member shall have one vote.

Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee of the club shall consist of those members holding the following positions:
    1. Four (4) Executive Officers –President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer
    2. Senior Delegate to the Lapidary, Rock and Mineral Society of BC
    3. One chairperson convener of each of the following Standing Committees:
      1. Field Trips
      2. Library
      3. Membership
      4. Program
      5. Publications
      6. Publicity
      7. Show
      8. Social
      9. Ways & Means
      10. Workshop
    4. The following special directors:
      1. Delegate to Hastings Centre Board of Directors
      2. Director-at Large
      3. Historian
      4. Sunshine
  2. The Executive Committee shall approve the appointment of special committee heads, and in general direct the business of the club, subject to final approval by the members of the club.
  3. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to approve individual expenditures of up to $500 (Five hundred dollars) on behalf of the club and its activities without referral to the general membership, but all such expenditures shall be reported to the club at the next General meeting after such a decision has been made. Individual expenditures greater than $500 shall be presented to the General meeting of the club for discussion and approval or disapproval prior to commitments to purchase or disburse.
  4. Regular Executive Committee meetings shall be held prior to each regular General club meeting. Regular Executive Committee meetings shall be open to any club member wishing to attend; except when the Executive Committee needs to meet In-Camera. A quorum shall be seven (7) members of the Executive Committee, providing at least three (3) Executive Officers are present.
  5. A Nominating Committee shall be selected at the September regular meeting in the following manner: the President shall appoint one, the Executive Committee shall appoint one, and the club shall select one. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to select suitable candidates for each of the four (4) Executive Officer positions (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer), chairpersons of the Standing Committees of the club, and/or Special. Directors for the coming year, and to provide a list of the candidates selected for publication in the notice of the Annual General Meeting and ensure that each member is informed of the duties of each elected position prior to nomination.

Committees, Directors, and Delegates

  1. The following Standing Committees shall be established: Field Trips, Library, Membership, Program, Publications, Publicity, Show, Social, Workshop and Ways & Means. The Chairperson of each Standing Committee shall be elected each year and may ask one or more other members of the club to serve on their committee(s).
  2. Special Committees may be established by the Executive Committee from time to time to carry out special limited functions. One instance of this would be the Special Resolution Committee as detailed below:
    1. Within 2 weeks of receiving a formal complaint in writing, the Chosen Executive Officer will cause a Special Complaints Resolution Committee to be formed to hear the complaint and all witnesses and evidence. The committee will then deliberate and come to a decision by using “Hastings Centre Rockhounds Respect Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedure” and the City of Vancouver’s Code of Conduct on any potential disciplinary action response in full. This will include an apology and either a reprimand, suspension, and up to expulsion from the club. This committee shall include members in good standing and not current members of the Executive Officers; this special committee will consist of 5 members who are not in conflict and who volunteer to serve, randomly drawn from a pool of at least 10. The Special Complaints Committee will consist of two (2) from the Executive Committee and three (3) members with a minimum of 3 years membership. Any member who fits the criteria maybe called upon to sit this committee.
  3. Special Directors shall be elected to serve as Historian, Sunshine, Director-at-Large and Delegate to the Community Centre Board of Directors meetings.
  4. At each Annual General Meeting, the club shall elect one delegate to the Lapidary, Rock and Mineral Society of British Columbia to serve for a three-year term. Delegates shall be elected in such a manner that there shall be three (3) delegates representing the club each year: the Senior Delegate serving the last year of his/her term, the Intermediate Delegate serving the second year of his/her term, and the Junior Delegate beginning his/her term. Should any delegate resign before completing a term, the next Executive Committee meeting following his/her resignation shall appoint a new Junior Delegate, and existing Junior and/or Intermediate Delegates shall move up to the next vacant position to fill the remainder of that delegate’s term of office.

Duties of Officers, Committees, Directors, and Delagates

  1. The President shall preside over General meetings of the club and over Executive Committee meetings, and shall be ex-officio member of all club committees with exception to Special Complaints Resolution Committee. The President shall be a signing Officer.
  2. The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, preside as chairperson of General meetings and at meetings of the Executive Committee, and otherwise assist the President and other Officers in the exercise of their respective duties as may be required. The Vice-President will also be the club’s Delegate to the Hastings Community Association’s Program Committee. The Vice-President may also serve as a signing Officer in the absence of the President.
  3. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all club funds and shall sign all cheques for the withdrawal of such funds as are required from time to time, along with any one of following; the President, the Secretary or in the absence of the president, the Vice President. In the event the treasurer is unable to sign cheques, the president shall be one of the signers. The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of the receipts and expenditures of club funds and shall report the financial position at each meeting of the club. The Treasurer shall also submit all records to an auditor at the request of a General meeting. The Treasurer shall be a signing Officer.
  4. The Secretary or alternate shall attend all meetings of the club and of the Executive Committee and record accurately all minutes and proceedings of every such meeting in a minute book to be provided by the club, shall receive and file all reports, keep or cause to be kept proper books and records in all respects of the business and affairs of the club, and conduct all correspondence of the club, also see clause 10, as directed by the Executive Committee in a prompt and efficient manner. The Secretary shall be the signing Officer.
  5. The Field Trips Committee shall arrange and supervise field trips for the club, and ensure that first aid equipment is available and, if possible, have present a member who is qualified in level 1 first aid. He/she shall also ensure that all participants on the field trip are members in good standing.
  6. The Library Committee shall purchase and catalogue books and periodicals and care for them; shall acquaint members with titles of such books as are available, supervise the loan and return of books and magazines and collect fines for each overdue month.
  7. The Membership Committee Chair shall receive all applications for membership, collect club dues, see that membership cards are issued; maintain attendance records at all meetings, ensure that guests sign the guest book and that they are introduced to those assembled at the meeting; issue copies of the Constitution and Bylaws, Workshop Rules and Regulations of the Hastings Centre Rockhounds, Rockhound’s Code of Ethics, Vancouver City Code of Conduct, Respect Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedures, Respect in our Club Orientation Pamphlet and the British Columbia Lapidary Society By-Laws to all members; issue annually a list of the names and addresses of all willing members to each member and to the Lapidary Society; keep the Records of Orientation Completion; keep the club advised of the number of members to date, and report to the Hastings Community Centre on attendance at each General or Special meeting held at the centre.
  8. The Program Committee shall arrange for programs for the General meetings, and keep the Executive Committee advised of future program plans.
  9. The Publications Committee shall prepare and issue the club’s publication, “The Rocket”, and such other publications as the Executive Committee may from time to time request. “The Rocket” shall be distributed electronically or pick-up to all interested members of the club, and to certain other clubs and individuals upon request. A copy will be posted in the workshop.
  10. The Publicity Committee shall arrange for publicity for the club and the club’s Annual Show; shall send news items to appropriate magazines and to affiliated associations; and attend to other special notices. As part of the Publicity Committee, a Webmaster shall maintain the Club’s website.
  11. The Show Committee shall organize and co-ordinate the club’s Annual Show, its participation in the Annual BC Gem Show of the Lapidary Society, and any other displays and shows in which the club may decide to participate.
  12. The Social Committee shall be responsible for purchasing and serving refreshments for General meetings and for the Annual Club Show and other special functions as requested, as well as for arranging for the club’s annual dinner.
  13. The Ways & Means Committee shall be responsible for the raffle held at General meetings, including the purchase or receipt of donations of prizes, conduct of the raffle and recording of receipts and expenses, and shall propose special projects to raise money for the club if required from time to time.
  14. The Workshop Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all equipment in the club’s workshop is kept in working order; shall purchase new supplies and equipment; shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures connected with the workshop and report thereon to each General meeting; shall coordinate the arrangement of classes and, together with class instructors, ensure that the rules and regulations governing the use of the workshop are up to date and adhered to.
  15. The Director-at-Large shall substitute for any officer of the club unable to attend any meeting (except that in the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall substitute). Any officer of the club unable to attend a General meeting or a meeting of the Executive Committee should advise the Director-at-Large in advance of the meeting in question, and submit any report to be made through the Director-at-Large.
  16. The Historian shall keep a journal of club activities; collect pictures, hard copy or soft copy, from members for scrapbooks and a slide collection of slides submitted by members as well as any other material pertaining to the history of the club.
  17. The Sunshine Director shall be notified by members of the club of any special circumstances that might require sending “get well” cards, condolences or congratulations to members. The Delegate to The Hastings Community Association’s Board of Directors shall attend monthly meetings of that Board to report to it on the activities of the club and to keep the club informed of the activities of the Association.
  18. The Delegates to The Lapidary, Rock and Mineral Society of British Columbia, as per BCLS
  19. rules, shall act as representatives of the club at meetings of the Lapidary Society, reporting to it the views of our club and reporting to the club on the activities of the Society. In particular, participation by one or more delegates or designate at the Annual General Meeting at Rendezvous is required.

Amendments to the Bylaws

  1. The by-laws of the club shall not be altered or added to except by an Extraordinary Resolution of the club (See Clause 18).

Inspection by Members

  1. Members may inspect the books and records of the club at any time after giving six (6) days written notice to the Secretary or Treasurer. The inspection shall be during reasonable hours to be mutually agreed upon.


If you want to learn more about us we encourage you to drop in to our meetings as a guest. Or you can email us with any questions.